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Monday, December 24, 2012

Using last summer days for a good ride

Karwendelhaus in the left corner, 180° view at almost 1800 m

It was time, the weather forecast was promissing regular temperatures and the basketball season has not started yet. So what to do with a whole weekend full of freetime?

Before downhill riding
Right, gathering all bike relavant things together, squeezing it into the backpack and heading south to the Karwendel, Mittenwald, near the Austrian border. Start: Saturday morning, the typical Karwendel tour was chosen, reaching the Karwendelhaus (1771 m) at lunchtime. Antje and me still in a perfect mood.

Right time and spot for some refreshments and delights. After a while, fit and strengthened again, it was going doin, nice trail, nice pics - but too quick, unfortunately.

The Falkenhaus (1848 m) was awaiting us, the graveled path too steep to ride. Another break was more than deserved before speeding down the harsh trails. The clock stroke 5 already, and it was time for heading back. Easier said than done! Another two mountains were in the way, thus only two possibilities came into consideration.

  1. Crossing those two massive and unexpected mountains - would mean breaking our backs.
  2. Taking a detour of another 30 km.

Falkenhütte shouded grey clouds

It was getting dark already and we were not even on the way up the second mountain. A river carrying freezing cold water needed to be crossed. No bridge, no shallow water. Shit, the only way was just going through it. The feet won't be warm again before getting home. The only things working at that time were front and back lights, motivation and conditions were down. Mittenwald was reached at 9:30 pm, restaurants hardly open. But the sleep was more than tight. ^^

Buckelwiesen near Mittenwald, view to Wetterstein Mountains

The next day was starting with superb weather. The planed route was adapted to make it just as simple as possible. We were following it through the Mittenwald region, Elmau, up to the Wettersteinalpe, and down to Mittenwald, before heading home.

Wettersteinalpe, way up to Schachen


Rinkes said...

ach... es ist mal wieder dunkel geworden rund um mittenwald??? Und zu fuss durchn bach auch noch? Also quasi ne standard alpen-tour... wie immer :D
kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor ;)

happy x-mas

Andi said...

Ja du frag mich nicht, keine Ahnung, aber es muss irgendwie an der Gegend rund um Mittenwald liegen. Ich würde vorschlagen dort das Bike nicht mehr auszupacken ... :D

Antje said...

Haha - ich denke es liegt wohl eher an dem Routenplaner als an der Gegend :P

Andi said...

Hier wird nicht an den Fähigkeiten des Planers gezweifelt! Daran kann es mit Sicherheit nicht liegen. Nur in Mittenwald gibt es hin und wieder mal Probleme. Beim nächsten Mal wirds bestimmt etwas besser!!! :D